Dealing with the death of a loved one as a result of wrongdoing or negligence is devastating. Take the time to spend with your family before you focus on the legal battle that may ensue. Many families lose job income and have to deal with endless medical bills after a wrongful death in the family. Our attorneys spend significant time on wrongful death cases from start to finish due to their complexity.

It is in your best interest to seek out an attorney when you are ready to begin your lawsuit against the at-fault party. We are here to review your case and give you the best plan of action should you choose to pursue your wrongful death case.

The reason you need a wrongful death lawyer is that the combination of complex laws and statute of limitations do not work in your favor without a personal injury lawyer to represent your interest and make timely decisions on your behalf. It is very difficult to successfully get results of any magnitude by representing yourself. We will take your case to trial if necessary and will fight for you to the end. You can count on us to deliver results and many of our clients were shocked at the end result considering the time it took to handle their case.

There are many routes to a wrongful death claim being filed. These include deadly car crashes, medical malpractice, and botched fatal surgery, oil explosions out in the field and motorcycle accidents to name a few.

New Mexico is a state where negligence is very common considering the size of the state compared to much larger states and the amount of negligence they see. When you file a wrongful death claim, if you were the first party to file, you become the personal representative of the estate. However in cases where the victim did not have a personal representative named before death, the court must then appoint one at that time.

The compensation from a wrongful death claim always goes to the beneficiaries of the estate. Most of the time the beneficiary who is first in line is the victims spouse, if they are still living. We have a 99% success rate in a winning wrongful death cases where the beneficiaries receive compensation to improve their life after a very damaging event.

We want you to know you are not in the fight alone on your journey to get justice. The ultimate goal of personal injuries attorneys are to help victims of catastrophic continue to live and thrive after a traumatic wrongful death in their family. We know compensation cannot replace a loved one that is lost. We do everything in our power to improve you and your family’s life after such an event.

Other types of events leading to wrongful death claims are bicycle accidents, pedestrians getting hit by a car, poisonings, mass shootings, stabbings, attacks from a dog and police abuse of deadly force toward a citizen.

Reach out today and we will begin exploring your wrongful death claim and how we can best help you.

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