Suffering a bite from a Rottweiler can turn into a very bad wound. Rottweilers have the strongest bite of almost any dog. The damage done could send you to the hospital and have serious medical bills resulting from the event. You may have a claim against the owner of the Rottweiler. The best way to find out is to speak to a personal injury lawyer in New Mexico.

Rottweilers are known for being guard dogs. In modern day society Rottweilers are used in police forces, as guard dogs and pets for families in America. The alarming fact about being bit by Rottweilers is that they weigh over 90 pounds regularly and have much more power than dogs that size or smaller.

We have successfully handled Rottweiler bite cases all over New Mexico and secured compensation for the victim.

The most common way people are bit by Rottweilers is by being standing or leaning over the dog. The second most common way is putting your face to close to the dog. The dog knows its victim when it bites them because three fourths of the time bites are people who have previously been around the dog. The forehead, eyes, cheeks nose and lips are where the Rottweiler most commonly bites a human.

Hands are a common injury location and touching a dog while eating will make them territorial. Never try to get in the middle of dogs fighting by using your hands. They will likely get aggressive over your attempt to break up the fight.

Dog bites must be treated immediately to prevent infection. Contact your local healthcare provider to get safe treatment and advice. It is a good idea to get it checked out by a healthcare professional. Clean the bite with water twice a day and use a bandage until it fully heals. Asking your doctor the best plan of action if the bite is much more serious is the best thing you can after a bite.

Reach out to use today to have a case review of your dog bite matter and we will direct you what the best plan of action will be to hold the dog owner responsible.

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