When people enter a store, shopping mall or another commercial establishment, they expect the area to be reasonably safe. Unfortunately, property owners and managers often ignore hazards until they cause serious injuries. In these situations, victims may be entitled to compensation to pay for health-care bills, time off work and other losses related to the incident.

There are several situations that can lead to premises liability claims. Common examples include:

  • Improper maintenance;
  • Slips and falls;
  • Elevator and escalator accidents;
  • Fires;
  • And snow and ice accidents.

Here is a brief overview of five common reasons for premises liability claims:

  1. Improper Maintenance

Commercial proprietors must conduct reasonable maintenance to prevent injuries on their premises. The risk of injury increases when property owners do not repair structural damage or obvious hazards.

If a maintenance oversight injures a customer, then the proprietor may be liable for damages. Worn carpets, broken stairs, uneven flooring and malfunctioning lights are a few examples of inadequate maintenance.

  1. Slips and Falls

In the United States, falling is a leading cause of visits to emergency rooms. According to theĀ National Floor Safety Institute, at least 8 million people go to the ER for falls every year. More than 1 million of these are for slips and falls. If there is any tripping or slipping hazard on the property, the owner must either fix it or warn customers.

  1. Elevator and Escalator Accidents

A significant number of shopping complexes and large buildings have escalators or elevators. Without regular inspection and maintenance, these travel conveniences can become dangerous. If escalators and elevators do not meet building requirements, along with local safety regulations, then the proprietor may be responsible for any death or injury that they cause.

  1. Fires

Proprietors must comply with fire regulations. It is their responsibility to prevent fires by taking reasonable precautions.

In some situations, the property owner must have clearly marked and accessible escape routes for visitors in the event of a fire. There should also be procedures in place to handle the fire safely and quickly, including strategically placed fire extinguishers.

  1. Snow and Ice Accidents

Although ice and snow are rare in New Mexico, they are among the most common causes of premises liability claims in colder regions. However, a particularly cold weather front can cause ice to develop, and many property owners are not prepared to respond accordingly. Proprietors must warn customers about slippery conditions and remove ice and snow when necessary.

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