It’s not always easy to take initiative and prevent a friend or family member from driving drunk. However, by intervening, you might be saving his or her life and the lives of others.

Many people become defensive when others accuse them of being too drunk to drive. The best way to avoid this, according to Mothers Against Drunk Driving, is to take a non-confrontational approach.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind next time a friend or loved one plans to drive under the influence:

  • Recommend alternative ways to get home such as a taxi or a sober driver;
  • Express that you are concerned about the person’s well-being and safety;
  • If you are hosting a party, invite the person to spend the night;
  • If the person still insists on driving drunk, ask a friend to help you intervene; and
  • Take the person’s keys if he or she refuses not to drive.

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