A 2014 report by the Santa Fe New Mexican examined the results of a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The researchers used various statistics to compare the prevalence of drunk driving in each state. According to the study, New Mexico ranked number-one in the category “Contribution of Excessive Alcohol Consumption to Death and Years of Potential Life Lost.”

Between 2006 and 2010, excessive alcohol consumption cost New Mexicans 1,570 years of life, per 100,000 population, each year on average. Another CDC report showed that 1,254 people died in drunk driving accidents in New Mexico between 2003 and 2012.
Many of those who were lucky enough to survive still sustained severe injuries. The cost of medical bills and lost income can add up quickly after an accident, which is why many insurance companies offer low settlements quickly to resolve claims at the lowest possible payout. If you were hurt or lost a family member in a drunk driving accident, you should not accept a settlement without the approval of a personal injury lawyer.

It is illegal to drive a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration of .08 or higher in the state of New Mexico. Unfortunately, many people ignore this law and make a habit out of driving under the influence.

Do not make this mistake. Nobody is immune to the effects of alcohol, and one drink too many could lead to a DWI – not to mention endanger your life and the lives of other drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. At a BAC of .08, you will likely notice the following effects:

1. Slow reaction time;

2. Poor vision;

3. Drowsiness;

4. Inability to concentrate;

5. Abnormal sensory functions;

6. Nausea;

7. Poor coordination; and

8. Impaired decision-making.

No matter how diligent you are behind the wheel, you cannot trust that other drivers will behave responsibly. You should always be on the lookout for signs that other motorists are intoxicated – especially at night and during the weekend. Keep your distance from drivers who show any of the following signs of inebriation:

1. Drifting onto the shoulder;

2. Almost clipping the curb;

3. Forgetting to signal a turn;

4. Following other vehicles too closely;

5. Straddling two lanes;

6. Forgetting to use the headlights while driving at night; and

7. Stopping far before or after a stop line.

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