Semi Truck Accident

Semi Truck Accident

Semi Truck Accidents are common in New Mexico. Many serious wrecks involving semi-trucks happen on the freeway. Interstate 40 which runs through Albuquerque, and Interstate 25 which runs north and south through the state are the typical spots where very serious trucking accidents have occurred.

Were you injured by a semi truck traveling through New Mexico in route to another state? As licensed personal injury lawyers in New Mexico we can assist with your tragic accident. Wondering why you need a lawyer if you were hit by a truck? The answer is because insurance companies will take advantage of you and exploit you if you don’t understand the legal process. We understand how insurance companies operate. We are diligent in only allowing insurance companies to only go so far when attempting to cut you short for the losses you have suffered.

Traveling on major freeways with heavy semi truck drivers hauling thousands of pounds of cargo is extremely dangerous. Our attorneys are licensed to represent victims of semi-truck crashes. The truck driver may try to get off easy fearing he may face discipline for his role in the crash. As licensed professionals we want you to gather as much evidence as possible to show the semi-truck drivers role in the accident.

Fatal truck crashes have increased in the United States and that’s not any different from New Mexico. While we only handle semi-truck crash cases in New Mexico, we want you to understand the significant numbers of crashes that are occurring every year in the United States.
Fatal truck crashes are growing nearly three times the rate of deadly crashes overall. Trucker negligence is common because the drivers of these 18 wheel trucks are distracted by computers and cell phone in their car, a lack of sleep, or unsafe driving.
In 2018 there were over 40,000 crashes in the United States involving semi-trucks. Of those crashes over 1,000 people died due to the accident. It’s very easy to understand why the risk of death is much higher when hit by a semi-truck as opposed to a car or regular truck similar in size to yours. Many times semi-truck drivers will pull in front of you to pass another semi-truck as to not get too close. However, it’s common that a regular car could be smashed if the driver of the semi does not see the car in its blind spot before making a lane change. These types of crashes usually leads to brain injuries and concussions for the driver of the smaller car. All semi-truck drivers have made an unsafe lane change during their driving career. This is either because they didn’t see the car coming, or they were in a hurry to pass a slower semi-truck they were behind.

Semi-trucks are massive, heavy and become even more dangerous when carrying hazardous building materials or explosives being transported from one location to another. If a fire ignites the truck during a crash it is sure to cause extreme damage and possible loss of life. You want to look out for your own safety if you are near a semi-truck as your life could depend on it.
Causes of semi-truck crashes aren’t just a result of being distracted in the driver’s seat. They can also happen due to the trucks being loaded incorrectly, lack of safety training, and malfunctions of either safety equipment or equipment securing the cargo being transported in the truck bed.

If you or your family have been the victim in a semi-truck accident due to a trucker’s negligence you need to take action right away. Most semi-truck companies have insurance that will cover your medical bills and compensation for your injuries simply because the risk of having no insurance is much greater. Semi-truck companies in the wrong may be willing to pay out a settlement if they know they were clearly at fault. When the alternative is the possibility of facing a lawsuit that could ruin the financial standing of the company and result in the termination of the truck driver.

Remember semi-truck accidents can destroy innocent driver’s livelihoods due to no fault of their own. Time is of the essence in working to get a resolution on your case before it’s too late.

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